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Happy Easter!


Mina favorit pysanky ägg

My favourite pysanky eggs

Glad påsk till alla er som firar! Klicka här om ni vill se bården på äggen!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Click here for a view of the border of the eggs!

Elfin har debuterat på släktmiddagen idag! Bättre bilder och detaljer över heeeeela projektet kommer i morgon, här bara ett bevis: Hon är färdig!

Elfin has made her debute! Modelled pictures and details of the whoooole project tomorrow, here only a proof of the finished beauty!


We want Elfin! We want Elfin! We want Elfin!


Welcome to my blog! My name is Maud, and I spend my free hours grooming Afghan hounds, knitting, cooking, and growing bonsai trees. I am since the summer of 2012 reporting from Stockholm Sweden, entries before that are from Esbo, Finland.

My knitting projects in Ravelry

How To


Finished in 2012

Finished in 2010

Finished in 2008

Finished in 2007

Finished in 2006


All content copyright 2006-2007 by Maud. All rights reserved. What is copyright?

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